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Sunday, 5 April 2015

singing rocks


Magic Mountains

Once, camping by a river the 2 men decided that their quest was to climb the mountain “ureya” they gathered their belongings, and set off. The two hikers had been travelling from village to village, exchanging new ideas and plans and stories. They were told about mount ureya that on the top of the mountain there is a growth that is; that there are round objects that once broken plan some musical tunes. But picked carefully can manifest these balls into energy rocks; that have their own identity. The two hikers had also been told that these rocks inspire communication to another world. So the men set off; they had a map and in 2 days they reached the top of the mountain. True, it was, there was music coming from a lot of the different rock formations. After searching around a bit, they collected some un-broken geodes/rocks. The men carefully put the rocks in their rucksacks, and were back off to town, they slowly began to feel tired and sleepy. The men reached town. The next day the two men started examining the rocks; they were shiny-bluey-black. They were quite heavy and smooth. So, they put the 6 rocks in a circle and put some of the broken pieces in the middle, they were harmonious, as they were singing a belley/chimey sound. One of the men had an idea; he wanted to heat up the broken pieces and see if the sound changed, he did this and soon afterwood the broken piece of rock asked to be put in the middle, and to have water dowsed all over it. One of the men did this. Once this was done a puff of smoke arose, and that is all and the men fell asleep. Once they were awake the place at which they were staying was full of plants, grass and heaps of critters – like the place had been vacated years ago. The men figured that it was these rocks that were responsible. The men thought that this arrangement of rocks was good, but they thought that they might put them together, next thing the rocks were magnetic and it seemed they had a mind of their own. The six rocks were now stuck together, the men put some more water on them, and then they fell asleep again. When they woke up the men were in space, in the same room, but the room was in a space ship, then 3 people walked in the room, they said “thank-you” for freeing us- we are your rocks- we have transformed into people. The rock people continued to say – we are now your guy’s friends – this made the treasure hunter’s happy. So, said the rock people? “Which planet do you want to go? {Then pulled out a map of the universe.} Both of them said – where the food is abundant.”

moon cave


Moon Stone

At a place called east – heidelburg, there was a town named Gonamaland. There were a great many people that lived there. This was at a time before cars and technology, the people; although they were self – sufficient. The people had been able to keep healthy and fend off the badies. These people had tremendous wisdom and skill – to achieve what it is that they strive out to do. One time out does. One time one of the townsmen found a cave and within it found a whole heap of crystals,. That is what this story is about. The crystals were shared out throughout the town, and one of the crystals emitted light. Some of the people from this town called it a moon stone. Because it looked like a moon at night. This stone was always thought of as peculiar for this reason. It was owned by a man named tree-bow, he was a gnarly, out-their kind a dude. Full of good karma! One night – on a full moon, the moon stone started drawing things towards it, it was like it had its own gravity, and this seemed strange to tree-bow so he decided to investigate it. Firstly he held the stone, and then the stone got really hot so he had to put it down, so he put the stone on the table. Then tree-bow went to get some water to get it in. when he returned to the room with the stone in it; the whole room was lit with light being emitted by the stone, there was writing, patterns, charts and all these sounds – they were chanting – they were explaining and going on about how to create a new moon, apparently the stone was a new moon – just a baby one. One ready to begin its journey. The story that the stone was telling about was how to get in ready for orbit was going on something like it needed a conscience or some grow tool. Tree-bow was understanding that he needed the sun, to charge crystals and had to figure which crystals would charge the moons own thought processing unit, so it would be aware. The symbols that the stone was emitting had detailed information on sparking conscious, so tree-bow went and gathered all the crystals needed, by this time it was morning, time to charge the stone. The stones – together had the effect of affinity. So then tree-bow followed the instructions and put them in order and finally placed the moon stone in place. Next thing they were all humming, then the moon stone shot off, into outer – space, that night there were two moons, it is a famous tale. The next morning at gonamaland tree-bow was happy because he fulfilled fulfilled some possibilities. Then the cave, which all the stones came from was filled – once again with a whole lot of new crystals and seemed to be a dark spot, and a spot where unseen / new nature and animals were evolving and emerging because of the significance of the new moon – the cave needed to evolve.

nature''s rest



When their on land there was some people. These people were of the land, they roamed here and their but liked the forest the most. This was because there were not as many out-goers or overlanders. This group of people was 30, they all were able to and very good at language, and they could grow stuff. On the land there was a river that ran right down the middle of it, if anybody got sick, that was the cure to heal with, this was because; or so was believed that the moon created it and gave life to the water that contains the all remedy. So from time to time these people travelled to this river to grow and enjoy themselves. But the people although happy were getting uncomfortable because the season was nearly over and it was getting close to the rainy season and it was getting time to settle down and get in tune with nature, the trees, the sky, moon, life the river and themselves. So the people were slowing themselves down and taking things in but this overwhelming sense arose, that some other people were coming. The people, as time went on – had been being peacefully considering new ideas. This was all good until there was a big group of outlanders that went to the people of the land and once they got talking, the outlanders told the people that “one” should not be considering fate and to work instead – to be civilized and join in with other groups, to believe the gods that were believed in and build structures and make things to please the god’s. The outlanders were serious about that, the people – quite frankly, wanted nothing to do with it! So a struggle broke out the people hollered the trees, and the trees smoked the outlanders.

new life


One time two friends went walking; they were travelling by foot and had supply enough for their journey. They were exploring the land. When they got to the lake one of the men saw something shiny in the lake. He dove in and gathered the rectangular metallic hand sized object. The word “lighter” was engraved on it. This word meant to the men “share inquisitism” so naturally with new things the men tried some experiments with the lighter. First of all they pushed on it. Then they figured out that it worked, it got hot; but this was only transference of heat. One of the friends had a thought that magical essence came out of it. So next the men looked around to see if there was and more shiny things, this is where the story starts. The men were walking away from the lake and they found a big mound of shrubs and branches covering something. The men wanted to find out what it was covering, it was a space ship. They looked for a door and found one and too there surprise it opened and was abandoned. There were two chairs – perfect they thought, and sat down there were a few buttons and levers. They were in business. They tried hard to turn it on. After perceiving for a long time one of the friends noticed a sign that was the same as the one marked “lighter.” So they put the shiny thing in the spot. But nothing was happening next one of the men said “essence does” and all of a sudden the ship took off and they were moving. They started to get faster and faster, then the ship spoke – it said “where to master’s?” and the men said “where there are people having fun – together!”  Next the ship said “you can come to my planet.” So that was it – they were on their way to a new planet – and a fun one. When they arrived, the place seemed totally different. There was music playing from the sky and everyone they could see was dancing and there were all these pleasing smells, they felt happier – they started to see they were at a happy planet; there night was full of good food, dancing and meeting people! Just after the men had had enough food one man came up to the two friends and said “right! – now I want to show you both something very exciting” – “a tree dance.” “We can get a ride on your ship; yeah? – it’s not far from here” the friends agreed. The man continued to say “my name is Freed – what are your names?” the friends introduced themselves their names were Ken and Charlie. Next Freed asked if he could bring a friend if it’s alright. Ken and Charlie said that that would be nice; Freed said he was going to bring an enchanter, and too meet at the ship as soon as possible, so Ken and Charlie went to the ship. Once they arrived at the ship they were very excited – and got talking, “I wonder if we will ever get to try this marijuana everybody was talking about.” – “I know we had some but not enough hey?” “Hey freed might know how to get some!” – when Freed arrived he had the enchanter with him, who said that these trees weren’t far away and that he wanted to bring one to one of the local moon’s that he was evolving. The 4 men got into the ship – they got going, before long they were travelling over a forest, next they came to a clearing, the ship landed. “Right guys” said freed “we are here” the men got out of the ship and then Freed said “it’s time for the show! Then Freed and the enchanter pulled out big joints of marijuana and the enchanter said “Turetendil” “Oparequath” “Rumepha” “Todan” “Jo” “Gonome it over here” – next 10 trees were running, they looked like swirls of nature at first – coming out of the forest – hard to distinguish. They were moving although – and fast. Then Freed said – quick, light up, so now they had smoke. Now the trees were 10 metres from them and it was amazing, they were moving syncromatically and talking – everyone was amazed! Next one started singing, its song went something like “Oua re la da me lupendo, ruapele de, don dende je legras pe quua ze le do” next the enchanter said “do ze le do” and the trees started to move in a circle, branch limbs moving then they all started singing and dancing. The men were happy, the marijuana was good too. It was sun up now and they were still going, then the enchanter said “walnut time:” and then went up to the trees and told them about his ideas he’s been having to take a tree to the neighboring moon. The trees conferred for a minute, then one of the trees said he would fetch “big bud” – as he was said to be a strong young head turner. The men returned to the ship, they all felt magic to the max! As if everything is possible, and they were ready for their next task. To bring a tree to a moon. What could possibly be next? Thought Ken.  As soon as “Big Bud” arrived, he was strapped to the top of the ship, and then the four men took off to the moon. They got to the moon, as planned and as soon as they did, big bug was quite a sight to see, he was roaming around the place bringing colour, movement, creations – everything for a fresh – sustainable planet to survive with!

Saturday, 28 March 2015

spiritual fun



Once upon a time where there was a great spiritual being nearby there was some other life; these people were like hobbits in our common tongue. These people were very creative and new about “Harrow” the great spiritual being, Harrow had been around the planet or place where these townsfolk lived for as long as they could remember. The way that these different life driven townsfolk got into contact with the Harrow was by a few different methods, - meaningfulness meant a lot to Harrow and so did magic and some rituals affected Harrow. The townsfolk were inspired to continue to find out new things and it seems to others that they were possessed by light. It was known to the hobbits that this is why Harrow hung around. These Hobbits could affect and use their surroundings for good and this is how they got by, not only got by but had fun at the same time. Sometimes the hobbits would listen to music that a few “chosen one’s” would play and this was just one way that the hobbits could be filled with energy to grow some enthusiasm. Once the townsfolk were filled with enough life they would be very happy and when everyone was on; the magic would begin. They would hail harrow and get him on – this was all part of it – the fun and full life. Together harrow would pick up the hobbits in the wind and then move their village around – so it would be different, then fly around with the hobbits then return them home. This would bring the hobbits a homely feeling and they could start with this new light from the journey the hobbits would move things around with magic. This made Harrow especially happy. Toward the end of the acquaintance with harrow the hobbits would become quite cognitive – that is when the hobbits grew, then also became stronger. They would fly things around with words and move stars using their eyes – and use their thoughts to keep each – other happy! Sometimes the hobbits (on very scary moments) would bring smaller life to their town – sometimes from the sky, sometimes from other parts of the planet. Normally harrow had to deal with this. The hobbits, when not feeling so magical could talk to each – other basically about how to keep each – other happy and lock in different visions and share and grow these. (The good ones.) They also made things for each – other. The hobbits could see a circle of life, they liked to keep things right and not leave anyone out. The hobbits – in their spare time would reflect back on their magic – they did this by believing some logic enough that it would have an effect of change or transformation. If the hobbit believed in the effect or has felt a change this would be ideal. The hobbits would often be looking for new beginnings, so they created a way to think, they would often be side-tracked by transformation but one time a great hobbit sacrificed a lot to give life. It has automatic beginning.

spell locked in



Once there was a person who travelled a lot, his name is Marcus. Marcus used to travel so much around the place because the people around him had uses for him – this was travelling. Marcus was a happy person and whenever he could he used to plant things. And in the most extraordinary places. Marcus planted things like locks of thought into people, so than when he was around these people the messages he planted in people would spring to life like a dew of inspiration and it triggered some great energy. Later Marcus thought that the people he was close to were great and this was his way. Sometimes Marcus put his locks of thought and devoted time into trees – he found the dew of inspiration to be splendid. So Marcus was full of life so he decided to travel more – he met many, many people and shared his secret of moving thought about this way and that and he became a great ruler. Reverend Marcus was rather happy with his life- word got around about sharing thought of life to the good / right people. And then one day Marcus went to his favourite tree and used the thought of that tree to turn the tree into a more realistic tree that had an animated face and could wobble and talk of his own accord. By this time forbe’s, (Marcuse’s favourite tree) was life – like. After his work was done, forbe’s became known to a lot of people.



lingo story

One time in a place like Narnia – with all different beast’s and being’s there was a settlement of people who used song to keep safe and to hunt with. They spoke to each – other in hobspoten which is a language that stays with the listener as a cognitive energy form – it was alive. It could be used in many ways – to see into the future, to read thoughts; to tell if there were any enemies around – or to create things out of elements. That’s right – they would just appear. This would keep the people very aware. These townsfolk used to vanish – this made the other’s sad – and this was from the song that the people practised – regularly. So one time some of the people tried to change this, they set out to the land to find Azlan – a friend of their people – one who was around when the hobspoten was being created. The people set out after locating the great lion using an echo. The people walked on the wind so they could move at great speed, after trying a few places they found Azlan, he was at a place with lots of mountains around. Once the people of the song / wind passed word that some of their townsfolk have been disappearing for some time and not returning, - Azlan said that the way to locate these missing people was to tap into a reality habzapper to track where abouts these people have ended up! Azlan also said that the way to the habzapper to get their people back is at an old abandoned castle – where a lost generation used to live. The race of Centaurs; Azlan said that they used to live in the castle and have also changed into a new reality. Once the meeting between Azlan and the song people was over the people glided to the castle! And then triggered the infamous reality habzapper contraption – once it lit up the song people started to hear the song of their lost people and then transported them back to the centaurs’ castle. Once all of the song people were together they rode back to their town – ship. They were happy now that they were reunited. The people who disappeared were happy to be back with their own people and they had many good stories to tell – they all had great communication at a place together you see – a place where the people would try new things like playing instruments, reading drawing and writing. Learning and teaching about song – even move transcendently. Also to use trees to harness energy and shape it into song – to hear the trees song!



Tree Man

Once, long ago there was this cave, and there was a man who lived their within. This man had a few friends, but one day when “Tuncra” woke up he had a lot of thoughts, some were dreams from the night and some were new ideas and Tuncra was hungry – Tuncra needed bread. But first he began to draw and write. He wrote that he felt he was communicating through thoughts – with others. He also wrote that he could introduce life into words – which he was keen to share with his friends. Tuncra had a lot of new ideas this morning. As he wrote he noticed a sound coming from outside, at first he ignored it, he thought it was the wind then the noise was getting louder, so he went outside there were signs that a lot was going on today and Tuncra was really hungry now. He decided to go to the kiosk at the river to buy some bread.  On his way to the river kiosk Tuncra saw a sign that looked new on his track. – And bread crumbs everywhere. The sign said “hey Tuncra stay here and eat bread if you want to evolve,” so he did. The bread had olives in it and was good. Soon enough after he ate the bread – well he saw some bird people coming his way. They were singing. They landed on some trees nearby Tuncra. He was happy to see these bird people – they were not very common and totally magical. So Tuncra started to say – “I read your sign and” but before Tuncra could continue three of these bird people landed nearby him and said “well Tuncra you are on the way to move to the next stage of your life – this is going to happen to you today – and now.” Then Tuncra said “so I will be as big as a tree and as wild as an eagle and as wise as a lion?” then the bird people said “so may it be done” as soon as this was said it was done. Yes now tuncra was a giant tree man – the bird people continued to say – follow the path that leads past whale rock – youll know the way – find your people and be with your kind – Tree!.

Friday, 27 March 2015

more fun


um way
Field of Dreams

As been where you walk into one of nature’s vast dreamy fields show me fields where we may dwell for the shadow to remain for the sole purpose – as a part of my own life – something for me to look at and move, hey you over their tell me some things you can’t change – what for – and then see you tomorrow – if not before.


When the people just vanished because “junder” said it was so, the people of the dome roundabouts rejoiced. They would now have enough food and it seemed like a turn of the tides. Some wondered where the Ramekins (bread thieves) went to Junder simply said; “they have gone into every last piece of bread. Then he added, the loaves should be tastier, but if ever the bread they now could keep was turning slimy then to call upon him at once.


As morning broke on Morning view, their seemed to be some signs of a party that had been happening all around the town of music. Their seemed to be no meanies stealing all the bread; and lots of festivities going on. The town was happy – especially with the constant realization that not much could go wrong and pertaining to the fact that on this world there was fun stuff to do, like enjoying things too much and being around good people to stay happy with. When Alfred woke up, he decided to have breakfast then go visit henry to get a hyper-drive going. When Alfred got to Henry’s house Alfred new the word for he was full of ambition and Henry was right there to embrace it and together they did the spell and they ate there lunch and thought it was fun. For Alfred word’s meant so much so he thought that his new concoction “phynzappled” was for use as a rest word, so he stayed home for the day, simply having fun.

magic canyon


Digger’s Rest

There were 3 people that went camping on day. They didn’t bring a great deal. Just the essentials. They were told about a great ordeal that was going on in the Grand Canyon.  They heard that there were some people in the Grand Canyon that were practising sorts of tasks that were of being rewarded – magically. Apparently the people that were performing their were growing bigger, being able to produce fire from their hand and learning how to control thing’s like tree’s bending and thing’s move from mind control and even making thing’s appear from out of no-where.

The planet was Earth and these camper people were descendants of some great trees. These ancestors of the trees heard word of the entrance into magic and how they were keen as nature to embark on such goings on, these tree men felt more alive and energised than ever. That night the campers were full of lots of interesting and exhilarating new ideas and ready for the journey to begin.

The next morning the 3 men set off to the Grand Canyon. They were going to make it their by lunchtime and they were very excited. Their path was set and they had lots of positive idea’s awaiting to be fulfilled. They had done some meditating in the early morning to and so they would be able to undertake the tasks to the best of their abilities. These people were in harmony with nature; so they had already made their offerings. These people were going to make it their best day ever!

So the campers were off, they had their name tags on as to make a presence when they arrived and were travelling over the land as if they were in the air – gliding. Their feet barely touching the soil they were not far away now. When they had travelled for a while they reached a place where there was a sign saying that they had reached the grand canyon, next to it a great sign saying “magic Occurring”

The men were all excited now and now rejuvenated; filled with a brand new energy the men felt new and they started chanting “men with spirit,” “ men with energy,” “men who want to do something fun.” Then they continued on! They arrived at a place where they thought people would be stationed, then they started to hear voice’s and people as they continued on, then they found a grassy meadow and found some people there. They started to talk “hello, we have heard about you” “well we are good people and we want to do magic” “you have to be smart and understand life” “we are healthy people and we want to have fun” “we have gift’s for you” then a person from the group stood up and approached them. He said “for your gift’s we will teach you one spell each” – the men agreed.

The campers were welcomed and then the teaching begun. The campers were told by the people that the things that were known to be magic were done by word’s, - or believing word’s.

-         Boast - zuhufu – phyre - ember’s – glow – buftesh – epzalon – tebzalom – boomshtank.

-         Then from out of no-where there was a ship in the sky – Kardi. Now the men could travel through space.

planet walking


Portal Eruption

Once, once upon a time, there were a tribe of people who lived on and from and with the land. These people were very intuitive; thus; these people talk to each other and when this occurred, the people grew feelings, normally pleasant. Sometimes the people, with these feelings could bundle them up in a vocal combination and project an echo, thus this was the speciality of some of the people. One time there was an excess of feelings – so there was a need to vent. The people started to speak about echoes – because their plan was to send these feeling’s into echoes. once the word had got around that it was the time to voice their echo’s – the echo people got ready to start their echo vocab up – just before they started their seemed to be a slight haze about that smelled sweet and made the land seem like it was hypnotized and the people feel as if they were in slow motion. – It started, the vocab was push and the echo doers started to flow with their feelings and language, with some extra vibe’s coming from the rest of the tribe – they were all going it! Chanting – “a band do an bowl di do drem bob rem to baed gra bat glum rebet adta olesh” all together, the sound seemed very soulful, and it seemed to be working, the echo – doers were beginning to ease the heavy lingo with some clearer word’s with easier identities like boast zuhufu buftesh song ease access start begin, and then the people could feel a cool breeze from the fresh air – it was working. Then all of a sudden – instead of hearing echo’s they heard a chanting – it was coming toward them – at an exceedingly fast rate – it was figured out that it was coming from their old friend’s – the tree’s! The next thing that happened is that the ground was shaking and then the ground close to them started en eruption; there was now a great big hill in front of them. They could see to the top and the people could see to the top and saw that on the top of the hill there was a great big table and chairs! Once all had settled for a while the people took to the hill – they climbed to the top and they sat down. The trees were still singing and on the table sat all these glowing stone’s! Some of the people began to call these stones “power stone’s” and as soon as they handled them the people could see the land move – it was moving all about and around them, and then they put the stones down. Next a flying ship descended from the sky, then it landed, not too far away and transformed into a portal, two beings were standing next to it, one big and one small. Some of the people from up on the hill acquired the two being’s accepted attention fresh from the space ship and hollered the two up to the top of the hill. The two being’s clambered up the hill, next one of the being’s took out a modern translator, then the space goer’s said “well your guy’s power stone’s and our guy’s portal can get us to most parts of the universe. It would contains spark that teleports the `space walker’ or being who holds the stone’s while walking through the portal to another pre-determined place is space, according to which power – stone it is. The journey will last for as long as the occupant can stay awake; for as soon as sleep occurs to the space traveler he/she will return back. But with a key – a key in the form of a new stone, one with the instruction’s embedded into it of how to get back their if he/she so desires!” The two new guys’ then went on to say that they are searching for a power stone that they would take through the portal while activating a non-return mechanism, to get home and restart there life on that planet. – And if given the stone then the people of the hill could have the space-ship/portal transformer. Behold it, that stone was on the table, and the tribe of people accepted the bargain, then the 2 people of the ship gave workings of the ship/portal transformer, took the stone to get them home, said their goodbye’s and walked through the portal – never to be seen again. The tribe were thrilled that day – going from strength to strength. In time the people travelled to many different planet’s whilst never losing inspiration – just growing tired on various planet’s and ended back home – on planet home.

Anew force

Light Being Story

Once on a faraway planet there was some people that lived on some land; there was 4 cities. The land was dry, with dry grass and what their was of it; it was mostly plain’s, this planet was in need of a major soaking! The people tended to keep to themselves they flew here and there with their power – speeders – which were like car’s except much more powerful. As the name suggests. There were some people that had and flew their star ships, other’s kept it real. The planet was getting older and older now, it was an old planet and some of the local system had heard that a judgement was planned; to abandon planet “wrell” or to stay and push the planet into a different orbit. – And reset the atmosphere.

There were a group of people that formed a planet health group’ – they collaboratively thought that the planet was too good to abandon and still had a whole heap of potential. The group knew what to do; the sacred power stone into the tree trick, there is no power like that of trees so the group set off to find the nearest tree warrior. Once the group had found the tree that has the greatest potential power; they firstly made a fire – this was for various reasons but mostly for the teachings for Neoahsiess was to learn. Also as something to grow from and understand. The leader man put the stone next to the tree then hit it in with a hammer! As soon as this happened, the being of light appeared. “Just as the legend’s prophesized” at the start of the teaching’s Neoahsiess seemed to be understanding the smoke – it was teaching him well it seemed. Toward the end he was blowing smoke rings out of the teachings, and then he started chanting them!!! – This was extremely full on. As he was chanting; thing’s like rock’s, earth and surrounding tree’s. Were flying round the fire. Next thing there was black holes and portal’s opening up from around them and Neoahseiss commanded a lot of different series of earth and tree’s to and from the land, then the water came! Neoahsiess sent it to the cloud’s and it was storming, a night of pure power. So now Neoahniess understood that he was chosen to be a part of every planet, to be a multidimensional, character of lands of pasture, plain’s, fire and water and air – to restore health to those planets who need it. Planet Wrell was moved to the Nobelius quadrant – very lush and green. Now the whole planet had changed and was in a much better state. The skies were bluer the sun was getting further away – the atmosphere was refreshed and warmth was coming from some of the new mountains. The group of people who unleashed Neoahsiess were made famous – Neoahsiess told of being able to create rhythmic energies that he could make into anything he wanted, that he only needed ideas of what to make! It is Neoahsiess who keep’s the environment of Wrell sacred now. It is told that simply breathing the air on Wrell now – gets you happier. It is told that Neoahsiess came to planet Earth and simply went crazy – that place was re-named ‘The Bermuda Triangle.’

Dragonz Den

Cola Bean Spring


Some people were sitting around by a dam, they were throwing and skimming stone’s inn. Then one of the people – Jack’ found a crystal – of sort’s, he took it to the dam and began to wash it. The crystal begun to emit some music, the rest of the mob came rushing over to get to know what was going on. The music sounded like it was that of a flute or pan pipes. Some of the people started to sing and dance, noticing that something very strange was occurring. The crystal was now singing and above it was an image – it was advertising for coca-cola, the crystal was trying to get the group to go and get some cola-bean. The people understood now that the cola-bean was a drink – because of what was depicted by the vision of the crystal – but they didn’t know much else about coke. They decided to take the crystal to Bob – an old man who is very wise and would know how to get some cola-bean.

The crystal was light – within a few hours the people made it to Bob’s hide-out. Once they arrived there Bob said that he had been working on a portal that could make the intended taller – he continued to say that he had been shrinking because of all the time he had been spending planning his big trip he was going to take to Azguard. Then Jack took the crystal out of his bag and showed it to Bob; Bob was fascinated by this – he had never seen anything like it before – then Jack said that when you submerge it in water that it sing’s, so the bunch of people took it inside and put it in some water and it started to sing – then the advertising came up again for the cola bean, Bob said that there are many mysteries concerning lake Mob – where this came from and that this is definitely one, he continued to say, “but time travel,, yes, yes, very mysterious. Then Jack asked Bob if he knew where to get a drink of it from.

Bob said that cola wasn’t invented yet. But it would seem that the star clustering on the minor speck decks were shining very similar to a fairy drink and that guarded by a Great – Eastern – Dragon there were some leprechauns that would know where to get some from! Bob drew a map for jack and his friends, and then they said there good-bye’s and Jack and his friends were off to get these leprechauns to lead the path to the Cola-bean! In 2 days they made it to the Dragon’s cave, once they arrived, they met the Dragon – who uncouth spoke – they deliberated a bit then the dragon – whose name was Alfred said that their group would be allowed to meet the leprechauns if the Dragon was granted possession of the advertising/singing crystal. It was a deal, Jamie – the cola crystal holder at the time was nominated to put the crystal in the water at the back of the cave and get the leprechauns, all went according to plan and Jeff – the speaker of the leprechaun tribe said that cola is a very magical drink and it was easy enough to get their hands on. That all they had to do was unlock the doorway to the cola spring and that they could have a limited amount! Jeff took a key out of his bag and gave it to Jack and gave the mob their directions. Then the people were off again ever-so-closer to getting a drink of the cola bean! When they arrived at what seemed to be a cave at the bottom of a mountain, the group were exhausted, they didn’t look it though, and they were all overwhelmed with excitement to see if all this work they had been up to was going to pay off? Jack entered the key and it worked! The group had landed and they were inside. Over here’ – over here guy’s its deliciously sweet come and get it said Graeme, the first to see it and taste it. The group stayed at the spring! It was their new home, that is the end of the story – I hope you liked it! ??